San Diego Design Week


This year San Diego put on its first ever Design Week - an annual series of events celebrating interdisciplinary design throughout the region. We were lucky enough to host two super genuine and talented artists- Nick Pourford of Prisma Guitars and Ryan Shoemaker of Maek Ceramics.  Due to COVID most of Design Week was pushed to virtual interactions and tours, but we found a bit of a loop hole by displaying their work in our shop On the Boulevard. 


Left to Right: Bloops: Hand-blown glass seated on powder coated steel, By Nick Pourfard, Walnut Chair: By Nick Pourfard, Welcome: Chandelier By Ryan Shoemaker. 

Their work will be on display through the end of October and you can pick our special Artist Series coffee in both cafes or online. 


It seemed only fitting to put out a special artist release to celebrate our partnership and to commemorate San Diego’s first design week. We were especially inspired by the intricate texture and dramatic hues of the Shroom Lamps (pictured below). We chose a very special coffee to adorn this artist release from the Montero Family in Costa Rica. Growing and processing coffee is their art and they bring a superior amount of skill and experience to the coffee that they produce. 


Montero Family - White Honey Process. Carlos Montero & His son Jacob have skillfully produced this delicious coffee. After Carlos makes the trip to pick up ripe cherries, it is Jacob who manages the processing at their family-owned micro we mill, Don Eli. This year, Jacob purposely fermented the cherries in shaded, tiled tanks for 60 hours & repulsed the coffee before drying. Their coffee boasts a clean, layered fruit character reminding us of peaches & dates with a hard candy sweetness.



Check out Nick Pourfard Maek Ceramics

Learn more about San Diego Design Week